Online Psychometric Assessments

Our online psychometric assessments offer customised assessment packages for you, based on the unique needs of your organisation. Be it personality profiling of your team, assessing the sales skills of your sales people, probing into the integrity of your people, we have an array of tests to suit every need and purpose!
Developed by our team of trained and experienced psychologists, these tests are valid, reliable and psychometrically sound. Designed keeping in mind the psyche and the attitudes of today's Indian working generation, they are idealfor profiling your people's strength and development areas. Additionally, our detailed reports will provide you with in-depth insights into your employees, enabling you to understand what makes each of them tick and how to get the best out of them.
Click here to know more about our online psychometric tests,.
Offline (Paper Pencil) Psychometric Assessments

For those organisations whose employees may not be tech-savvy, we offer the same tests in the traditional, paper-pencil version. In simple words, these tests are paper-based tests, which need to be administered, hand-scored and manually interpreted. All our online tests can be made available in offline mode as well. Depending on the number of candidates to be assessed, our psychologists can visit your office premises to assess the group. Results are then computed and reports mailed back to you after a pre-decided time period. In case of regular, ongoing offline assessment, your employees can visit our office, centrally located in Mumbai for the assessment.
To enquire about our offline, paper-pencil psychometric assessments or to schedule one, drop us a mail with your requirements on
Nurturing Employee Wellness (NEW) - an Employee Assistance Initiative

Our Nurturing Employee Wellness (NEW) Programme is a comprehensive programme that focuses on the psychological and emotional well-being of employees. It is designed to help employees deal with and resolve their personal issues and challenges – these could be in the professional as well as personal spheres.
The Programme is modular in nature, and organizations have the option of selecting the entire program or specific modules. The modules cover the entire spectrum of mental health and wellness, ranging from personal counselling sessions, personal effectiveness programmes, self-growth and self-development workshops, employee welfare, therapeutic interventions, and customised interventions.
Click here to know more about the Employee Assistance Programs.
Coaching and Mentoring

This exclusive offering is especially for those organisations who wish to invest in grooming and coaching their young talent and enabling them to optimise their potentials. The core team at Psychometrica consists of experienced psychologists, who not only have extensive experience helping individuals develop and grow on a one to one basis, but who have also been part of the employee development process in several organisations across industries. This programme is entirely customised to each mentee’s unique fingerprint, strength and development areas, and growth targets the individual aspires to achieve.
How it Works:
Step 1:
Management identifies / nominates candidates for the Mentoring Programme. The immediate supervisor / HR fills up a brief form stating the felt need for mentoring for the candidate.
Step 2:
Candidate undergoes a set of psychometric tests depending on his profile and background.
Step 3:
A one-to-one report-based counselling session takes place with the assigned mentor from Psychometrica. At this stage, the candidate draws up an Individualised Growth Plan (IGP), with inputs from the mentor.
Step 4:
The first mentoring session takes place a month after the IGP is drawn up. Thereafter, a session is scheduled every quarter. Every session moves along the goals in the IGP.
The Coaching & Mentoring Duration is for about 15 months from the nomination of the candidate to the completion of the final session.
The candidate is free to connect to the mentor through e-mails between sessions.