About Pyschometrica
Psychometrica is an online portal dedicated to offering both online psychometric assessment services as well as online counselling services. Psychometrica has an experienced and trained team of psychologists who have developed the range of psychometric assessments.
- Online Psychometric assessments
- Paper pencil psychometric assessments
- One to one counselling for employees for self-development
- Recruitment
- Campus Recruitments
- Employee Profiling and Self-Development
- Employee Training
About Domex
Domex Technical Information is a well-established business research and KPO / BPO company with over 25 years track record in servicing national and international customers. Domex also offers through a separate division, a full range of psychometric testing services to large, medium and small companies, schools, colleges and universities. More recently, Domex acquired a travel company that provides services to inbound travellers and domestic holidays seekers and also supports event management activities.
Our Online Pyschometric Assessements

16PF is invaluable in helping candidates get insights into their deep personality traits and how these impact their functioning in a particular organisation.
Most suited for Mid to Senior level Executives.

- Warmth
- Reasoning
- Emotional Stability
- Dominance
- Liveliness
- Rule Consciousness
- Social Boldness
- Sensitivity
- Vigilance
- Abstractedness
- Privateness
- Apprehension
- Openness to Change
- Self Reliance
- Perfectionism
- Tension
- Extraversion
- Self-Control
- Tough Mindedness
- Independence
- Anxiety

HRCAF Manager an online psychometric test provides you insights into the managerial capabilities & potential of your HR Persona.
Most suited for Junior & Middle Level HR Manager.

- Numerical
- Analytical
- Critical Reasoning
- Interpersonal Skills
- Work Efficiency Factors
- Stress Factors
- Recognition & Understanding of Emotions
- Empathy
- Emotion Management
- Ethics and Values
A sales manager’s position is critical – he needs to have hands on sales skills and knowledge, as well as managerial skills. Sales Manager Fingerprint assessment helps in selecting the right candidate for the job of sales manager, area / regional sales manager / sales head and so forth..
Skills Measured:- 12 key managerial skills & 10 key sales skills and traits
- Delegation Skills
- Decision Making
- Information Management
- Time Management
- Communication Skills
- Negotiation Skill
- Problem solving Skills
- Conflict Management
- Crisis Management
- People Management
- Stress Management
- Change Management
- Negotiation Skills
- Knowledge of Principles of Selling
- Oral Communication Skills
- Self Confidence
- Interpersonal Warmth
- Achievement Motivation
- Presence of Mind
- Enthusiasm and Energy
- Rapport Building Skills
- Listening Skills
The Manager BluePrint is a psychometric assessment, assesses the personality & managerial skills. The Manger BluePrint provide organisations with an insight into the profile of their top line junior and midlevel managers.
The MB measures 10 Personality Factors:
- Stress Tolerance
- Orderliness
- Adaptability to Change
- Self Esteem
- Balanced Emotionality
- Trust
- Extraversion
- Independence
- Initiative
- Achievement Orientation
- Decision Making
- Communication Skills
- Stress Management
- Conflict Management
- Change Management
- Problem solving Skills
- People Management
- Information Management
- Negotiation Skill
- Delegation Skills
- Crisis Management
- Time Management

The Managerial Competency Test is a psychometric instrument that helps profile a candidate's managerial competencies. The test focuses on key competencies critical for success as a manager across industries, sectors, organisations and job profiles.

- Organisational Goals
- Communication Clarity
- Self Confidence
- Customer Orientation
- Mentoring Capability
- Effective Delegation
- Interpersonal Sensitivity
- Team Leading
- Decision Making
- Networking

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