SeaPert-MHI - Maritime Test
The Seapert-MHI is designed for behavioral, personality and mental health analysis of cadets and officers desiring a career in the maritime industry.
The Seapert-MHI will help you to:
- Identify behavioural strengths and limitations
- Get a Personality profile for a sea career
- Profile Personality, Leadership & Stress Adaptability Capabilities
Mail us for a demo report at anuradha@psychometrica.in
Traits Measured
The personality test, MindFrames, profiles candidates on the following dimensions:
- Leadership Style
- Interpersonal Style
- Ability to Handle Stress
- Ability to Adapt to Change and New Settings
- Emotional Harmony
Mental Health Index (MHI) measures::
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal Ideation
- Emotional Distress
- Recruitment of fresh cadets
- Promotion of cadets to higher levels
- Identifies training and development areas
- Selection / promotion to captain
Know More
- Test taking duration:
- Total questions: 108
Some of Our Clients:
- Wallem Maritime Training – Mumbai
- Adarsh Shipping
- Nimbus Maritime Services Pvt.Ltd
SeaPert-MHI – Psychological Assessment for Maritime Professionals