Nurturing Employee Wellness (NEW)
Our Nurturing Employee Wellness (NEW) Programme is a comprehensive programme that focuses on the psychological and emotional well-being of employees.
It is designed to help employees deal with and resolve their personal issues and challenges – these could be in the professional as well as personal spheres.
The Programme is modular in nature, and organizations have the option of selecting the entire programme or specific modules.
Module 1:
Personal Counseling Sessions
Sessions will focus on problems / issues that could be related to either the personal life or the workplace. Depending on the organisation’s needs and desires, a specified number of days / hours per week are slotted for these sessions. Employees can set up appointments with the psychologists. The sessions will be held over Skype or Telephone. Within the city of Mumbai, the option of the psychologist visiting once a week to the organization can also be explored.
Module 2:
Personal Effectiveness & Wellness Programme
This entails group sessions with the employees. Focus will be on handling work pressure in positive ways. These sessions focus on:
- Helping employees attain work-life balance.
- Mind-body relationship and achieving harmony between the two for enhancing quality of life.
- Self-Awareness and Self Development.
These are interactive sessions held at the organsiation’s premises.
Module 3:
Self-Development Programme
This entails individual and group sessions with the employees on enhancing self-awareness, self-esteem, emotional intelligence , managing goals and so forth.
Module 4:
Clinical Assessments & Therapeutic Interventions
Psychological assessment for ‘at risk’ candidates for problems such as: Depression, Anxiety, Adjustment Disorders, Personality Disorders, Other psychological/emotional problems.
Module 5:
Customized Interventions
Need-based programs as per the specifications of the organization.
Eample: An organization going through a change of management will have specific intervention needs to deal with employees' fears and insecurities.
Module 6:
Employee Family Welfare Programme
Encompasses early intervention Clinic / services, Employee Welfare Services, Family Counseling, Career Counseling and Self Development Programs for employees' families
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