Personality Test
Refined Workplace Personality Profiling Using MindFrames
Designed especially for the middle to senior management hierarchy, MindFrames is a personality test with a difference...not only does it give you valuable insight into 10 personality factors, it also gives you information about how these impact an individual’s performance on the job.
Mail us for a demo report at anuradha@psychometrica.in
Traits Measured
The 10 personality factors profiled include:
- Adaptability to Change
- Achievement Orientation
- Independence
- Balanced Emotionality
- Stress Tolerance
- Orderliness
- Extraversion
- Initiative
- Trust
- Self esteem
The test also gives you a multi-dimensional view of the candidate, by telling you more about her or his:
- Work Orientation Profile: A measure of motivation and goal orientation, planning and meticulousness as well as self-confidence.
- Locus of Control Profile: Belief in one’s ability to modify the impact of events, and the ability to maintain emotional balance.
- Coping Profile: Adaptability to change, composure under pressure and the ability to maintain a positive frame of mind in all situations.
- Trust Profile: Faith in others and their motives as well as self-assurance.
- Dynamic Leadership Profile: Independent thought, self-sufficiency, ability to be target focused, openness to change and ability to connect to people.
The Test has an inbuilt lie indicator in the form of a verification scale which tells us how truthfully the individual has answered the test items.
- Recruitment of middle to senior managers in critical roles
- Promotion of employees to higher managerial levels
- Talent Management
- Behavioural Profiling of Future Leaders
Know More
- No. of Items: 88
- Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
- Ideal For: Employees from the middle managerial level to to top leadership.